Wood County Electric Cooperative

Just a minute’s drive from the 1925 county courthouse in Quitman, Texas, one may find the thoroughly modern, electric blue headquarters of the Wood County Electric Cooperative, Inc. (WCEC). Like many contemporary buildings, the WCEC headquarters was designed to meet the rigorous LEED -- “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” -- construction standards. While the building may appear an era apart from the organization’s 1938 office on the Quitman square, its focus on energy efficiency places it squarely in the tradition of WCEC’s past. When electricity was first introduced to the region during the Great Depression, farmers had to learn how to use the new resource effectively. In this endeavor, they received the support of the WCEC and the Rural Electrification Administration (REA).

By the 1930s, rural citizens in East Texas had been clamoring for electricity for years. Despite the demand, power companies were reluctant to expand to the countryside, fearing that the lower population density would result in lower usage and lower profits. The companies thought that the farmers would never use much power because they worked outside during the day and went to bed early at night. Adding to this misunderstanding of farmers’ needs, there were significant barriers to the electrification of the countryside. For instance, farmers were unfamiliar with electric appliances and farm equipment. Their farmhouse had no wiring. And, many of them lacked the money to pay for wiring, appliances, or a new electric bill.

When Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration created the REA in 1935, the new agency set out to address some of the problems farmers faced. The REA offered loans for wiring and appliances, for example, and helped to fund the extension of delivery lines beyond the most populated areas of the country. With support from the REA, the WCEC electrified its lines in October 1938 and sought a $5,000 grant to institute a loan program for its members. A WCEC employee remembered wiring his home for $8 in 1939 and paying off the loan in increments of 44 cents per month with his electric bill. In fact, the local newspaper advertised loans for wiring, appliances, and farm equipment with repayment permitted when crops were sold.

Even with the encouragement of loans, WCEC had to overcome the natural frugality of its rural members to allow the widespread adoption of electricity. Some members initially resisted wiring bedrooms because they did not need light when they slept. One member even noted that she would have to sell a number of hens to pay the monthly power bill. Even so, local residents gradually bought into the program. The minimum charge set by WCEC for electricity was $1 per month for 11 kilowatt hours. Members closely watched their meters to make sure they did not go over the minimum.

The REA educated farmers to use electricity on the farm through its Farm Demonstration Tour, sometimes called the REA circus due to its large display tents. WCEC joined with other local cooperatives in January 1940 to participate in a “circus” just outside of Gilmer, Texas. The tour included displays and demonstrations of electric appliances and farm equipment. The climax of the event was a cooking contest between four male farmers using all electric appliances. Presumably, the use of male participants was intended to emphasize the ease of cooking with electricity.

Gradually, farmers learned that electricity often paid for itself as kerosene and ice expenses ceased, waste and spoilage ended, and equipment replaced manpower. Efficient electricity use in rural areas was established through rural electric cooperatives like WCEC.


Getting the $5 membership fee Juan D. Nichols was the second General Manager of WCEC, having been mentored by Virgil Shaw, the first General Manager. He tells stories of the early days of the cooperative. Source: Interview, March 27, 2015
Electricity comes to Coke, Texas Juan D. Nichols was a child when electricity came to his home in rural Wood County. He describes what it was like. Source: Interview, March 27, 2015
Refrigerators and irons Juan D. Nichols talks about the most popular appliances people bought after getting electricity. Source: Interview, March 27, 2015
Electricity at her grandparents' house. Melba Blackwell grew up outside of Quitman, Texas during the 1930's. She was married to Howard Blackwell, a lineman and line superintendent at WCEC. She discusses her memories of the day electricity came to her grandparents' house. Source: Interview, March 27, 2015
Wash day Melba Blackwell tells what wash day was like before electricity. Source: Interview, March 27, 2015


Wood County Electric Cooperative Headquarters, Quitman, Texas
Wood County Electric Cooperative Headquarters, Quitman, Texas From its beginning in 1938 with 1,100 members and about 100 miles of line, WCEC has expanded to serve about 34,000 metered locations with over 4,800 miles of line. Source: Wood County Electric Cooperative, Inc.
REA Farm Demonstration Tour
REA Farm Demonstration Tour This is a photograph from the Rural electrification News showing a typical REA “circus.” Source: Rural Electrification News
Original WCEC Office (1938)
Original WCEC Office (1938) The work of WCEC began in a 20 x 20 foot office on the Quitman courthouse square. The office was staffed by Virgil Shaw, the Project Director for WCEC and first manager of the cooperative and an assistant. Mr. Shaw's wife, Maye, first read about the REA in a magazine and convinced her husband to start the project. Source: Wood County Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Second WCEC headquarters building built in 1941
Second WCEC headquarters building built in 1941 WCEC used workers from the National Youth Administration, another New Deal program, to build a headquarters building. Source: Wood County Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Electric line construction – 1938
Electric line construction – 1938 WCEC's first electrical lines were built without power equipment. The holes were dug by hand and the poles dragged and raised by horses and men. Source: Wood Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Building the lines
Building the lines "First we staked the lines, then we'd take a double-bit ax and a cross-cut saw and clear the right-of-way, then we take shovels and dig the holes. Then, we'd set the poles. If it was in an open field where we could back up a truck, we use it to set the pole, a 35-foot pole. We gradually got some winch trucks, but in those days they tried to put as many people as they could to work." Joe Dacus, WCEC lineman from 1945-1984. Source: Wood County Electric Cooperative, Inc.



Paul E. Anderson, “Wood County Electric Cooperative,” East Texas History, accessed September 20, 2024, https://easttexashistory.org/items/show/113.