"Cotton Crop Lost; East Texans Turn Thoughts to Oil."

"Cotton Crop Lost; East Texans Turn Thoughts to Oil."
This article from the Austin American-Statesmen Article dated Friday, Sep 12, 1919 (on page 4) states that much of the East Texas cotton crop has been lost to the boll weevil, but some E. Texans' thoughts had already turned to oil, which had been discovered on several farms, including farms in Crockett, TX. | Creator: The Austin American-Statesmen. | Date: Fri, September 12, 1919, | Source: Originally appeared in the Austin American-Statesmen newspaper on Sep 12, 1919, p. 4. This image was obtained on Newspapers.com. | Rights: Image available on the Internet and included in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 as it is used for instructional purposes.
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