JFK Doodle (1963)

JFK Doodle (1963)
President John F. Kennedy was at the Rice Hotel only 16 hours or so before his assassination. He spent some time relaxing (and arguing with Vice President Johnson) before heading downstairs to the ballroom to become the first U.S. President to a address an Hispanic American political organization (LULAC). Mrs. Kennedy spoke to the delegation in Spanish. (A silent eight-millimeter film of this event lasting approximately four minutes may be viewed at the Sixth Floor Museum's website: http://eMuseum.jfk.org/view/objects/asitem/items@:32261). After a dinner at the Sam Houston Coliseum in honor of Houston Congressman Albert Thomas, the Kennedys flew on to Fort Worth, where they spent the night of November 21 prior to the next day's fateful motorcade through Dallas. Kennedy was known to be a prodigious doodler, and a pencil sketch of a sailboat on the hotel's stationery was retrieved from his room's trashcan on November 22. Authenticated by his personal secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, and acknowledged by the JFK Presidential Library as his final doodle, the drawing was sold at auction in 2013 for more than $32,000. | Source: RR Auction, Boston
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